
Waleed's web log. Everything Waleed wants to say and more.

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Hi my name is Waleed and this is about me information.


Blog update - Tuesday

Dear Friends,

Well it is Tuesday and I'm back here updating my blog again. I love the freedom of having a blog. There's not much going on around here though, other than updating my blog.

Your pal,



Blogger Em said...

Blogging can be tough, Waleed. Stick it out... I know you'll think of something to write about! Do you have a job? Are there any annoying people at your workplace? Do you have roommates? Any obnoxious ones? How about your hobbies? Do you have any? Are they irritating to other people?

Your pal,

Wed Jul 20, 03:01:00 AM UTC  
Blogger Waleed said...

Dear Seitan,

No, no, the blogging is very easy. I have no problem to update my blog every day with many interesting things.

Your buddy,


Wed Jul 20, 03:11:00 PM UTC  

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