Tuesd--woops--Monday Blog Update
Dear Fans,
Well it is Monday. I have let you all down once again. I forgot to blog on Friday. Now it is Monday. That means I forgot a day. My blogging streak is over. Maybe I will try again next week. Oh, I also didn't blog on Saturday or Sunday, I forgot about those.
Your friend,
Well it is Monday. I have let you all down once again. I forgot to blog on Friday. Now it is Monday. That means I forgot a day. My blogging streak is over. Maybe I will try again next week. Oh, I also didn't blog on Saturday or Sunday, I forgot about those.
Your friend,
Maybe you just ruined a different kind of trend? Of course, I'm glad you did; your blog fuels my very existence!
Your friend in blogland,
Dear Sultan,
Do you not realize the gravity of missing a day of blogging? My fans are going to be worried sick.
Your friend,
I was worried! I even chewed all my fingernails down to little stubs.
To whom it may concern;
Do you see what I mean? It's serious! Anonymous has stubs for fingernails now, it's grave. People depend on this blog like oxygen.
Your pal,
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