
Waleed's web log. Everything Waleed wants to say and more.

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Hi my name is Waleed and this is about me information.


Blog entry Wednesday

Dear Friends,

Here it is another Wednesday and I'm updating my blog again. It's one of my favorite things about Wednesday. The "d" shouldn't come before the "n" in Wednesday, but nobody's brave enough to change it. Yesterday I thought of a story I was going to tell, but now I can't remember it. Oh well, I'm running out of room anyway. Catch you guys tomorrow!

Your pal,



Blogger redwing said...

I guess you can't have too much fine china &/or other items. With friends like this, who needs to leave the computer?

Thu Sep 15, 01:21:00 AM UTC  
Blogger Waleed said...

Hey, nice to see you anonymous! You always have such great ideas for us, I'm so glad you take the time to let us know about them. I had no idea that you can get fine china over the internet. Do I just have to download it, or what?

Your pal,


Thu Sep 15, 08:31:00 PM UTC  
Blogger Waleed said...


Can you believe all the great tips that anonymous has for us? So much handy information! By the way, if you're looking for fine china or other items, you might want to check out this site!

Your friend,


Thu Sep 15, 08:33:00 PM UTC  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't know China was for sale.

Tue Sep 20, 01:13:00 AM UTC  
Blogger Em said...

Yikes! That China comment was me, but came up as anonymous! Sorry anonymous, I didn't mean to steal your identity. :(

Tue Sep 20, 01:19:00 AM UTC  
Blogger redwing said...

Dear Waleed--
Okay, you got me back for sending the link with all the little squares. What was that? Manila, I think. Not English-speaking/ writing anyway.

Wed Sep 21, 12:28:00 AM UTC  

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