
Waleed's web log. Everything Waleed wants to say and more.

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Hi my name is Waleed and this is about me information.


Wednesday post entry

Dear Fans of Blog,

Here is my entry for Wednesday. It feels like a Tuesday because this week contained no Monday. But my computer says Wednesday, so I guess I believe it. What if somebody counted the days wrong back in 1917? Like one week, after Friday, they forgot to add Sunday and skipped straight to Monday? If they did that, everything would still be screwed up, off by one. What if today really is Tuesday after all?

Your pal,



Blogger Em said...

I feel that way sometimes... I bet it's part of our collective unconscious.

Your fan,

Mon Sep 12, 04:20:00 AM UTC  
Blogger Waleed said...

You feel what way? Do also feel that in 1917 they forgot to count a Sunday, and we've been one day off ever since? I think you're crazy, Sultan.

Your pal,


Wed Sep 14, 01:32:00 AM UTC  

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