
Waleed's web log. Everything Waleed wants to say and more.

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Hi my name is Waleed and this is about me information.


Blog Thursday

Hello friends!

Well, it's another Thursday, and as always it's a great day for blogging. My blog is really taking off now, there are at least four people who come here. My friend anonymous is especially helpful, offering tips and tricks for getting around the internet. Hey, tomorrow when I update my blog I might offer some tips and tricks like anonymous always does. He's so good!

Your friend,



Blogger Em said...

Oh Waleed, where are you?!? I've been waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting for a new blog entry, and it's still not here! Must. Not. Panic. AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!


Wed Sep 21, 05:14:00 PM UTC  
Blogger Waleed said...

Dear Sultan,

Part of the excitement of blogs is the eager anticipation of the next episode, dontcha think?

Actually, I was boycotting posting new entries until you updated your blog. Sort of a cold war.

Your buddy,


Wed Sep 21, 07:50:00 PM UTC  

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