
Waleed's web log. Everything Waleed wants to say and more.

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Hi my name is Waleed and this is about me information.


Blog on Tuesday

Dear Fans,

Okay, I heard this really funny joke yesterday, about a pirate and a beaver. I thought to myself, "That's really funny! My blog-friends would like that." I was going to post it here, but now I can't remember it. Does that ever happen to you? Something about the beaver wanting to chew the pirate's peg-leg. Has anybody heard that one?

Your pal,



Blogger mujayami said...

Have you heard the one about the little boy and his goldfish?

A little boy is in his back yard, digging a big hole, when the woman next door peers over the fence.

"Little boy, what are you digging that hole for?" she asks.

"My goldfish died and I'm giving him a funeral," says the little boy.

"I'm sorry your goldfish died," says the woman, "but isn't that an awfully big hole for a little fish?"

"Well," the boy responds, "it wouldn't be so big, except my goldfish is stuck inside your stupid cat!"

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!! =)

Wed Oct 19, 03:43:00 AM UTC  
Blogger Em said...

Hey, why don't they make rat or bluejay flavored catfood? My cat has never brought home a cow.

Wed Oct 19, 04:45:00 AM UTC  
Blogger mujayami said...

I think they should make human flavored catfood, because that would be really funny! :)

Wed Oct 19, 05:49:00 AM UTC  
Blogger Waleed said...

Dear friends,

Thanks for the engaging and thoughtful responses to my blog. Thanks for all the funny jokes, but I'm pretty sure the one I was trying to remember involved a pirate.

I wonder what humans taste like? To a beaver, a pirate probably tastes like regular old oak?

Your pal,


Wed Oct 19, 03:41:00 PM UTC  

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