Thursday blog entry
Dear friends,
Yes, I know this is two Thursday blogs in a row, as if I were posting twice in a day. But you will be surprised to find out that quite a bit of time has elapsed between the two Thursdays. I was unable to post for a long time, because the Internet was broken. But now it's working again, and I'm back. Hope you didn't miss me too much!
Your pal,
Yes, I know this is two Thursday blogs in a row, as if I were posting twice in a day. But you will be surprised to find out that quite a bit of time has elapsed between the two Thursdays. I was unable to post for a long time, because the Internet was broken. But now it's working again, and I'm back. Hope you didn't miss me too much!
Your pal,
GOOG and AOL? It's probably the comms...
Why would GOOG be interested in AOL? That's a bit of a puzzle and here is Citigroup's Mark Mahaney and Tom Berquist's flash thought summary: It is being reported that Google and Comcast are in negotiations to ...
Hi you've got a great blog here, the best I've seen so far for Apply for loans online related. Keep up the good job! I found a similar Apply for loans online related website yesterday, check it out. Looks like the
Apply for loans online related site does not have a blog yet, so check them out at their company site.
Dear anonymous,
I'm so glad you came back! You posted your response only SIX MINUTES after I made the blog entry. You seem a little desperate, you must have been reloading my page every ten minutes since I left two weeks ago. I'm glad you're back, though.
I love your online loans page. You have so many interesting businesses going on! And you're right, that website is very similar to mine. Except I don't sell loans. And the colors are different.
Your pal,
Dear anonymous,
Thanks for the great link to the story about the guy who prefers jail to his nagging wife. So appropriate and timely! You sure do have diverse taste!
Your buddy,
Dear bapu,
Thanks for stopping by my little blog, it was nice to meet you. Say hi to Sheela for me, okay?
Your friend,
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