
Waleed's web log. Everything Waleed wants to say and more.

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Hi my name is Waleed and this is about me information.


Blog for Friday

Dear friends,

It's so good to hear from anonymous again, now I remember why I blog. And now there's even a fourth person, bapu. This place is really hopping! What else is new? Well this is two days in a row I've blogged. I'm starting a new streak, maybe? We'll find out tomorrow if I can make it three in a row! Three hits and you're out, right?

Your pal,



Blogger Waleed said...

Dear bapu,

I don't know why my friend named this blog "constiplations". He's the one who set it up for me. I'll tell him he spelled it wrong, though.

I read recently that cow dairy actually causes constipation, not cures it. Maybe anonymous could enlighten us?

Your friend,


Sun Oct 16, 01:51:00 AM UTC  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Thank you for bidding for my services.
I dont know the answer to this question.
But i can find out.
I will be on diary only diet for a week and observe the effect.
I will get back to you once the results are in.


Sun Oct 16, 03:20:00 AM UTC  

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