
Waleed's web log. Everything Waleed wants to say and more.

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Hi my name is Waleed and this is about me information.


Wednesday blog

Dear friends,

What do you know, two Wendensday blogs in a row. it seems like it's been two weeks, but I guess it hasn't. Sorry about the downtime. My payment was late and so I couldn't post anything. But now it's all paid up until December, late fees are paid, so we're back in business!

Your pal,



Blog for Wednesday

Dear Friends,

Well it is Wednesday, right in the middle of the week. I am updating my blog so you will have something to read. So here it is. What do you think? Sometimes I feel like I ought to tell a story or something, but I never can think of one. So I don't. I just say what's going on.

Your pal,


Tuesday Entry of Blog

Dear friends,

Well, it is actually Tuesday now, and no longer Monday. Yesterday I felt like my CD was skipping and I would be stuck in Monday forever. Imagine my relief when I woke up today and it was Tuesday! Ah, things are back to normal... and I'm all caught up on my blogging.

Your buddy,



Monday blogging

Dear Friends,

No, you are not hallucinating. There are in fact THREE Monday blogs in a row. Wouldn't it be weird if there were three Mondays in a row? It would be like having two solar eclipses in one day! Like if the Moon went all the way around and came back for more. That's about what it's like to get two blogs out of me in one day.

Your pal,
