
Waleed's web log. Everything Waleed wants to say and more.

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Hi my name is Waleed and this is about me information.


Tuesday Entry of Blog

Dear friends,

Well, it is actually Tuesday now, and no longer Monday. Yesterday I felt like my CD was skipping and I would be stuck in Monday forever. Imagine my relief when I woke up today and it was Tuesday! Ah, things are back to normal... and I'm all caught up on my blogging.

Your buddy,



Blogger Em said...

Great blog entry, waleed! This is definitely my favorite website. :)

Wed Nov 02, 01:25:00 AM UTC  
Blogger Waleed said...

Dear Sultan,

I'm glad that you like my fascinating blog a much as I do. I am proud to be your favorite web site. Can I advertise that? ", recently voted Best Website Ever Sultan from Daily-Affirmations." ??

Your pal,


Wed Nov 02, 08:08:00 PM UTC  

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