
Waleed's web log. Everything Waleed wants to say and more.

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Hi my name is Waleed and this is about me information.


Wednesday is blog day

Dear friends,

Well it is Wednesday. A lot of people were bored yesterday because they all tried to think of the pirate/beaver joke. A pirate walks into a bar and sees a peg-leg beaver drinking a beer. I can't remember if that's how it starts. Hey, does anybody know if I can post pictures in this thing?

Your friend,



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its a lot of gas.

Thu Oct 20, 06:22:00 AM UTC  
Blogger mujayami said...

I thought it had to be "dismal failure," but "failure" works too! Yay! He's making progress! =)

Thu Oct 20, 07:41:00 AM UTC  
Blogger redwing said...

I couldn't, but it's your blog--and Wensday too.

Thu Oct 20, 01:49:00 PM UTC  
Blogger Waleed said...

Dear Bapu, I really don't see what this has to do with peg-leg beavers.

Dear anonymous, you're so crazy, I don't even know what you're talking about.

Dear mujayami, how did we get on this google thing anyway?

Dear redwing, even on Wednesdays I can't figure out the pictures.

Your pal,


Thu Oct 20, 05:59:00 PM UTC  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Number FIVE!! Hahahahhahah!!!!

Thu Oct 20, 11:36:00 PM UTC  
Blogger redwing said...

Anonymous FIVE looks very suspicious to me.

Sat Oct 22, 01:08:00 AM UTC  

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