
Waleed's web log. Everything Waleed wants to say and more.

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Hi my name is Waleed and this is about me information.


Monday blogging

Dear Friends,

No, you are not hallucinating. There are in fact THREE Monday blogs in a row. Wouldn't it be weird if there were three Mondays in a row? It would be like having two solar eclipses in one day! Like if the Moon went all the way around and came back for more. That's about what it's like to get two blogs out of me in one day.

Your pal,



Blogger mujayami said...


I really think your blog is the best blog ever! It's so funny and clever. I started a new blog yesterday called spamcake, but I don't know what to post in it. I am afraid it will never be anywhere near as good as your blog. You are a real pro!

Your Friend,

Tue Nov 01, 11:32:00 PM UTC  
Blogger Waleed said...

Dear Mujayami,

I'm glad you agree. I didn't become a webmaster overnight, I had to take several expensive classes from my friend. Also, part of the reason I am so good is that I've been doing this for so long. If you scroll to the bottom of the main page, you'll see I started nearly FOUR MONTHS ago!

Your pal,


Wed Nov 02, 12:57:00 AM UTC  
Blogger Waleed said...

Dear bapu,

I know, 3 Mondays in a row! wasn't that INSANE?

Your pal,


Wed Nov 02, 12:58:00 AM UTC  

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