
Waleed's web log. Everything Waleed wants to say and more.

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Hi my name is Waleed and this is about me information.


Blog this Thursday

Dear Friends,

Something about Thursday makes me feel like blogging. What am I going to blog about today?


I think I figured out how to post an image! Let's see if this works:

But I couldn't really think of a good image to post, so I just used the blogger logo. Neat, huh?

Your pal,



Blogger Waleed said...

Dear Bapu,

Oh! You're too late! I already read that one this morning.

Your pal,


Thu Oct 20, 11:05:00 PM UTC  
Blogger Em said...

Wow, you got a picture!!!! That's so cool. You'll have to show me how you did it.

I swear, I learn something new every day just by visiting this blog.

Thu Oct 20, 11:30:00 PM UTC  
Blogger mujayami said...

Show me, too! I want to post some pretty pictures of marijuana plants! =)

Fri Oct 21, 01:21:00 AM UTC  
Blogger Waleed said...

Dear Friends,

You guys are so silly! If Waleed can post a picture, then you guys can too. Just click the button that looks sort of like a photograph, right above the window where you type things.

Your pal,


Fri Oct 21, 05:42:00 PM UTC  

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