
Waleed's web log. Everything Waleed wants to say and more.

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Hi my name is Waleed and this is about me information.


Blog for Wednesday

Dear Friends,

Well it is Wednesday, right in the middle of the week. I am updating my blog so you will have something to read. So here it is. What do you think? Sometimes I feel like I ought to tell a story or something, but I never can think of one. So I don't. I just say what's going on.

Your pal,



Blogger mujayami said...


I am impressed by how well your blog fits its title. How did you do that?!? You are such a genius! I have a blog called Spamcake, but it doesn't match its name very well, at least not yet.

Hey! I just thought of something! If Anonymous could just come visit my blog once in a while that would fix everything! The types of posts Anonymous often leaves would fit my blog title perfectly! =)

Your friend,

Sun Nov 06, 02:51:00 AM UTC  
Blogger Waleed said...

Dear bapu,

I know what you mean. My blog is so busy that I can barely keep up with it. Sorry to overwhelm you like that.

Your pal,


Wed Nov 16, 08:04:00 PM UTC  

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