
Waleed's web log. Everything Waleed wants to say and more.

My Photo

Hi my name is Waleed and this is about me information.


Friday blog update

Dear people,

Well it's Friday, the end of another week of updating my blog. I updated on every day of the week! I'm still thinking about maybe posting some pictures, but I still can't think of what kind of pictures. Let me think about it some more.

Your blog-pal,



Blog entry - Thursday

Dear People,

It's Thursday, time to update my blog agian. I have to keep it current. Nothing exciting is happening here. I've been thinking about putting some pictures in my blog, but I don't have a camera or really any ideas for pictures. I'll have to think about it.

Your friend,



Blog entry for Wednesday

Dear Friends,

I updated my blog yesterday (tuesday) and now I'm updating it again today (wednesday). Inbetween those times, not much has happened. Well, some things happened, but nothing that seems like I ought to post here. Oh well, at least my blog is up to date!

Your friend,



blog update Tuesday

Dear Friends,

Not much has happened since yesterday when I updated my blog. I really can't remember anything that happened, now that I think about it. Well, nothing worth reporting anyway. Oh well, I guess that's all that's going on here!

Thanks for reading my blog,



Update for Monday

Dear Fans,

Well it is Monday, time to update my blog again. I've been away for three days, did you miss me? I'm not really sure what I should say today. There's not much going on here...


Nope, can't think of anything!

Your friend,



Friday blog update post

Dear friends,

Well it is Friday already, so you know what that means. Yep, time to update my blog. So here it is! Not much happened since yesterday when I updated my blog. Actually I can't think of anything at all that happened. But tomorrow I will have a lot to report!

Your buddy,



Update blog for Thursday

Hello fans!

It is time to update my blog yet again. It's Thursday already, seems like just yesterday I was updating my blog on Wednesday. I'd like to add some interesting stories and stuff to my blog, but I can't really think of any right now. Oh well. Maybe tomorrow!

Your e-friend,


Wednesday blog update post

Dear friends,

I updated my blog earlier today, but now I have a little more time so I thought I'd update it some more. So here I am. I love my blog! It's so cool. I can update as often as I want!

Your bud,



Blog post - Wednesday

Oh wow, it is already Wednesday, so it's time to update my blog. Time sure does go quickly, but at least I have my blog to remember it by. Um, what else? Can't think of anything else right now, check back later...

Your amigo,



Blog update - Tuesday

Dear Friends,

Well it is Tuesday and I'm back here updating my blog again. I love the freedom of having a blog. There's not much going on around here though, other than updating my blog.

Your pal,



Monday blog update

Hey guys,

It's Monday so I'm updating my blog. I want to keep it updated for all you people who always check it. Other than that, there's not much going on. Just updating my blog!

Your bud,



Thursday update

Dear Friends,

Bear with me, I'm having a little trouble thinking of things to post in my blog. Today's Thursday. I had a lot of ideas, but I don't know where they all went?

Your bud,


Wednesday blog update

Dear friends,

In case you were wondering, I still can't think of what it was I wanted to say. I thought about it several times today. Hold on...


I just thought about it some more and I still can't remember. Sorry!

Your pal,



Tuesday blog post

Hi everybody, It's Tuesday.

I am writing in my blog. I thought of something funny to say earlier, but now I forgot it. Oh, what was it? I can't remember.

Your compadre,


Monday web log post

Hello friends!

It's Monday so I'm posting in my blog! I had a boring weekend, not much to report. I'm sure something interesting will happen tomorrow!

Your buddy,



Saturday web log post

Hi everybody!

It's Saturday here so I have lots of time to update my web log. So here I am updating it. I can't think of anything to say right now, unfortunately, but check back later as there is still plenty of time in the day!

Your friend,



day two!

So here it is, day two of my new blog. I'm so excited to have a blog. I can say whatever I want to say whenever. Unfortunately I can't think of anything at just this moment. I'll post more interesting things later.

Your pal,


my new blog!!!

Gosh, I'm so excited! I decided I'm going to have my own blog and here it is. I'm actually going to update it, so here I go!

I wanted to think of something really interesting for my first real post. I thought about it for a really long time, but I couldn't think of anything. So instead I'm just writing this. Tomorrow I promise to think of some really clever material for my blog!


what the??

I just wanted to post a comment on my squirrelfriend's blog. So I clicked "Sign Up" and all of the sudden they were creating a blog for me. I don't really want a blog, though, so chances are good that I won't ever use it. On the other hand, it could be just the thing to waste my time and make me feel like I have no friends. We'll see!

Your buddy,
