
Waleed's web log. Everything Waleed wants to say and more.

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Hi my name is Waleed and this is about me information.


Blog Entry for Tuesday

So friends, it is already Tuesday. Time passes so quickly when you're blogging. I blog so often that I feel like I have nothing new to say. Oh well. It's not really about saying things, it's more the act of blogging that's important. It's so crazy that all you millions of people can read what I am thinking right now!

Your pal,



Monday blog update

Dear Friends,

Well, it is another week here at the old blog. I'm really excited about the new week, although sometimes I feel like I am running out of things to say. What do other people talk about on thir blogs? Nevermind, I don't need to copy other people. My blog is a unique original and there aren't any others like it.

Your friend,



Blog Thursday Blog

Dear friends,

Thursday is a good day for blogging, because it comes right before Friday. It means you're almost done until you start over again the next week. I had a really good week this week. Again, I'm sorry for missing Monday. Did I miss Monday? I can't remember. That's all that's going on around here!

Your pal,



update for Wednesday

Dear friends;

Well an anonymous person left a comment on my blog. That brings the total up to at least two persons besides me who have seen it. That's exponential growth! This thing is really catching fire, I think. What great blog news for a Wednesday.

Your pal,


Tuesday blog update

Dear friends,

This is the Tuesday blog update. At least I think it's still Tuesday. Well, it's either the late Tuesday blog update or the early Wednesday blog update. One of those two. It depends on what time zone you're in. In Alaska it's still Tuesday. Well, that's about it for today. See you tomorrow!

Your pal,



Tuesd--woops--Monday Blog Update

Dear Fans,

Well it is Monday. I have let you all down once again. I forgot to blog on Friday. Now it is Monday. That means I forgot a day. My blogging streak is over. Maybe I will try again next week. Oh, I also didn't blog on Saturday or Sunday, I forgot about those.

Your friend,



Blog - Thursday update

Dear Fans,

Well it's Thursday and here I am updating my blog again. Seems like I was just updating it yesterday... Oh, because I was! That's three days in a row, I think I'm going on a new blogging streak starting today. How many days in a row can I blog? Oooh... I had something else I was going to say, but I can't remember it now. Maybe I'll remember later.

Your pal,



Blog Update Wednesday

Dear fans,

It's Wednesday, but it feels like Tuesday. Because I forgot to update my blog on Monday. Does that make sense? I hope I never miss another day, because it sure does confuse me. Not to mention that my blog now has gaping holes in it.

Your pal,



Tuesday blog

Dear Friends,

I regret that I was unable to update my blog for several days. Because if you have a blog that you don't update, it ceases to be a blog, I think. So now I'm back to updating it, and it's back to being a blog.

Your blogger pal,



Blog update - Wednesday

Dear Fans,

Now I am updating my blog on Wednesday. It's hump day: after today it's all downhill, until Monday when I start all over. I keep thinking my blog would be better if I told some amusing stories about things that happen to me, but I never can think of any. So these updates are sometimes very short.

Your pal,



Tuesday update to my blog

Dear Fans,

Well it's Tuesday and you know what that means! Of course it's another day when I can update my blog, to keep it all up to date. I really love blogging, it's my new favorite thing because it makes me feel so productive if I update it every day. That's why I do it every day.

Your favorite blogger,



Monday update of blog

Well friends, here it is the start of another week and time to update my blog again. So here I am, updating it. Last week I updated every day, I wonder if I can do the same this week? I want my blog to be comprehensive. I'm off to a good start!

Your blog friend,
