
Waleed's web log. Everything Waleed wants to say and more.

My Photo

Hi my name is Waleed and this is about me information.


Monday blog

Dear blog visitors,

Wow, two Monday Blogs in a row! Wouldn't it be weird if one year there were two Mondays in a row? Like a solar eclipse or something? Sorry I wasn't blogging last week, I had a little bit of writer's block. I couldn't think of anything to say. Thankfully I am over that, and back to creating this cool blog.

Your friend,



Monday blogging

Dear Friends,

Well now it's Monday already, time to face another week. It seems so impossible from here, but it's only two days to Wednesday. Last week was really exciting, with the introduction of pictures and all. I don't know what I will do this week to top that? Hmm... can't think of anything!

Your friend,



Saturday? blog

Dear people,

Another Saturday and I'm filling out my blog. What a treat for you all! There's not much to report. I can't think of any more pictures to post, I pretty much emptied my brain thinking of the first two. Well, have a nice day!

Your blog friend,



Finally Friday Blog

Dear friends,

Today is Friday, another week of blogging successfully completed. Whew! That was hard. Yesterday I even posted a really cool picture. I wish I could think of more pictures to post. But I can't really think of anything good. Oh well. What about this?

Your pal,



Blog this Thursday

Dear Friends,

Something about Thursday makes me feel like blogging. What am I going to blog about today?


I think I figured out how to post an image! Let's see if this works:

But I couldn't really think of a good image to post, so I just used the blogger logo. Neat, huh?

Your pal,



Wednesday is blog day

Dear friends,

Well it is Wednesday. A lot of people were bored yesterday because they all tried to think of the pirate/beaver joke. A pirate walks into a bar and sees a peg-leg beaver drinking a beer. I can't remember if that's how it starts. Hey, does anybody know if I can post pictures in this thing?

Your friend,



Blog on Tuesday

Dear Fans,

Okay, I heard this really funny joke yesterday, about a pirate and a beaver. I thought to myself, "That's really funny! My blog-friends would like that." I was going to post it here, but now I can't remember it. Does that ever happen to you? Something about the beaver wanting to chew the pirate's peg-leg. Has anybody heard that one?

Your pal,


Monday blog

Dear people,

What a dreary day to start off the week. So much stuff going on in my life, but I won't bore you with that. And to top it all off, I can't think of anything to blog about. Oh well, at least I wrote something...

Your friend,



Saturday? blog

Dear friends,

I don't often blog on Saturday, since it's not a real day. Consider this a little bonus feature. Though you probably won't read it, because it is Saturday. And a big welcome back to Bapu and Sheela! That Sheela is funny, she has some weird ideas about cow dairy. Maybe she has a blog?

Your friend,



Blog for Friday

Dear friends,

It's so good to hear from anonymous again, now I remember why I blog. And now there's even a fourth person, bapu. This place is really hopping! What else is new? Well this is two days in a row I've blogged. I'm starting a new streak, maybe? We'll find out tomorrow if I can make it three in a row! Three hits and you're out, right?

Your pal,



Thursday blog entry

Dear friends,

Yes, I know this is two Thursday blogs in a row, as if I were posting twice in a day. But you will be surprised to find out that quite a bit of time has elapsed between the two Thursdays. I was unable to post for a long time, because the Internet was broken. But now it's working again, and I'm back. Hope you didn't miss me too much!

Your pal,
